Doing the work: The Uphill Battle of Bringing VMware Cloud on AWS Blueprint

VMware Cloud on AWS Blueprint


While listening to the Joe Rogan podcast, I first heard about Steven Pressfield’s book ‘Do the Work.’ This book is a powerhouse that metaphorically grabs you by the collar and says, ‘Hey, if you want to accomplish something, you need to battle through the obstacles holding you back.’ Pressfield focuses on identifying what he calls ‘resistance,’ which encompasses everything in your mind that prevents you from doing your best work, such as fear, procrastination, or the voice that tells you you’re not good enough. It’s as if he’s in your corner, encouraging you to confront your inner demons and just go for it.

Writing the book ‘VMware Cloud on AWS Blueprint‘ was an uphill battle from a professional perspective. The primary challenge was overcoming the internal voices that held me back, fearing exposure and revealing my imposter syndrome. Listening to the book during the writing process was a game-changer for me, as it helped me understand that I was not alone in dealing with these challenges and fighting to overcome them.

The Dream of Writing

Writing a book was a dream that came true for me. It wasn’t necessarily driven by a passion for writing, but rather by the challenge it represented. The task seemed as daunting as climbing a high mountain—I was drawn to it not because it was easy, but because it was there, and I was compelled to reach its peak. Another motivating factor was the unexpected opportunity presented by a publisher who, after reading my blog, believed I had the potential to be an author. This was incredibly flattering, especially since my initial purpose for starting the blog was to improve my writing skills, not to secure a book deal.

Furthermore, I received significant encouragement from my former employer, VMware, before its acquisition by Broadcom. My exceptional manager, Andrea Obermeier, saw the book as a stepping stone in advancing my career within the solutions engineering hierarchy at VMware. The endeavor also held personal significance; it was something that would make my mother and spouse proud. Lastly, authoring a book could enhance my future prospects, such as facilitating a move abroad with my family under a skilled immigrant visa.

Facing the Manuscript Mountains

Navigating the journey of writing involves facing numerous challenges, such as writer’s block, self-doubt, fluctuating motivation, demanding feedback, meticulous editing, and the complexities of publishing. These obstacles are akin to “mountains” that writers must surmount to accomplish their goals and share their narratives with the world.

One fascinating insight I can offer about the writing process is its non-linear nature, closely mirroring the cyclical stages of software development. In software development, after code is pushed, it undergoes a review by peers, is tested by quality assurance (QA) teams, and finally, is deployed into production. Similarly, in writing, I began with drafting, which then proceeded to a language editor. This stage involved iterative corrections, sometimes requiring multiple revisions. Following this, the manuscript moved to the technical review phase, where additional rounds of feedback and rejections demanded further revisions. Each stage of receiving criticism and making corrections was initially met with considerable anxiety and self-doubt, amplifying the challenge of overcoming personal insecurities.

This revision aims to provide a clearer understanding of the complexities and emotional rollercoaster involved in the writing process, drawing parallels with software development to illustrate the iterative and challenging nature of creative work.

Endurance at Altitude: Maintaining Momentum

One of the most challenging aspects was not just beginning the project but also sustaining momentum. This endeavor was highly time-consuming, encroaching on weekends and personal time for nearly a year. Maintaining momentum, especially during difficult periods such as illness or increased pressure from work and home responsibilities, was daunting. Falling behind schedule tested my resilience, but it was crucial to muster the dignity and courage to “get back in the saddle” and continue writing.

I consider myself fortunate, and though it may sound cliché, the unwavering support from my wife was invaluable. She never hindered my progress, even when it meant sacrificing our time together. I made it a point to be mindful of this, regularly checking in with her to ensure our relationship remained strong despite the demands of my writing.

Additionally, the structured timelines and deadlines set by my publisher, Packt, were instrumental. Working with an established publisher that has a well-defined writing process was a significant advantage.

This revised version aims to articulate the challenges of sustaining effort over an extended period and the importance of support and structure in overcoming these obstacles.

Reaching the Summit: Completion and Satisfaction

Completing the book brought a profound sense of accomplishment and cause for celebration. Both my family and colleagues celebrated my success, and it felt incredibly rewarding to finish what I had begun. Reflecting on the journey, it indeed resembled climbing a formidable mountain, but it also proved to me that I am capable of tackling hard and complex challenges successfully. This experience has also inspired me to write this blog post, with the hope that others might find value in the lessons I’ve learned along the way.


In conclusion, the journey of writing a book, much like scaling a daunting peak, is fraught with challenges that test one’s resolve, creativity, and endurance. Yet, the view from the summit—a completed manuscript and the realization of a dream—is incomparably rewarding. This adventure has not only honed my skills as a writer but also reinforced my belief in the power of perseverance and the importance of a supportive community. To those contemplating their own manuscript mountain expeditions, I offer this narrative as encouragement. Armed with the insights from this post and a steadfast commitment to your vision, the path to authorship, while steep, is profoundly transformative. Let the challenges inspire rather than deter you, for the satisfaction of sharing your story with the world awaits at the summit.

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